


European Commission – Horizon Europe                   2024-2028

“OptiViVax – Optimising a high efficacy Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine”

Role: PI

Merck KGaA                                                                              2024-2028

“Induction of long-lasting premunition against malaria”

Role: PI


“la Caixa” Foundation                                                           2021-2025

“Whole-organism vaccines against P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria with enhanced efficacy and scope”

Role: PI


Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia                            2023-2025

“Ivermectin hybrids – potential insecticidal and multistage antiplasmodial drugs for malaria control”

Role: Participant (PI: Diana Fontinha)



GSK Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation                             2021-2022

Prudêncio (PI)

“Generation, characterization and in vivo evaluation of a novel live malaria vaccine”

Role: PI

FCT                                                                                     2018-2022

Moreira (PI)

“A multitarget strategy to hit all stages of the Plasmodium life-cycle”

Role: Participant

Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (iBET) / Merck

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                     2016-2022

“3D hepatic cell models of Plasmodium infection”

Role: PI

FCT                                                                                      2018-2021

Prudêncio (PI)

“Enabling strategies for enhanced whole-sporozoite malaria vaccines”

The goal of this project is to develop methodoloies that will enable the development and deployment of effective whole-sporozoite malaria vaccines”

Role: PI

Merck                                                                                   2017-2019

Prudêncio (PI)

“Production and maintenance of Plasmodium-infected mosquitoes”

The goal of this project is to enable to production of P. falciparum-infected mosquitoes at iMM Lisboa

Role: PI       

PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                       2017-2018

A P. berghei-based vaccine against Malaria

The goal of this project is to pursue the clinical evaluation the PbVac malaria vaccine candidate

Role: PI          Presse release here


Mendes (PI)                                                                       2016-2019

Improving whole organism vaccines against malaria by genetic modification

The goal of this project if to develop strategies to express multi-stage antigens on Plasmodium sporozoites for vaccination against malaria
Role: Co-Investigator

TwinnToInfect (European Commission, H2020 Twinning, EU)
Mota (Coordinator)
Science- and innovation-driven clustering of Instituto de Medicina Molecular (iMM Lisboa), the Institut Pasteur and the Francis Crick Institute
Role: Participant

PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                       2015-2017

A P. berghei-based vaccine against Malaria

The goal of this project is to pursue the development of a P. berghei-based strategy for vaccination against malaria

Role: PI

OPP1025364 (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Explorations-Phase II)

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                       2013-2017

A New Whole-Organism Vaccine Against Malaria

The goal of this project is to pursue the development of a novel strategy for vaccination against malaria

Role: PI        Press release here

PTDC/BIA-BCM/71920/2006  (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal)

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                       2006-2010

The role of SR-BI in malaria infection

The goal of this study was to investigate the role of the scavenger receptor B-I on invasion and development of liver-stage Plasmodium parasites

Role: PI        Final evaluation report here

PTDC/SAU-MII/099118/2008 (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal)

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                       2008-2012

The influence of bile acids on malaria liver infection

The goal of this project was to investigate the modulation of Plasmodium liver infection by bile acids and nuclear-receptor signaling processes

Role: PI        Final evaluation report here.

HMS-PT (Harvard Medical School-Portugal Research Programme)

Mota (PI)                                                                               2009-2012

New drugs for treating and eradicating malaria

The goal of this project was develop new anti-malarial compounds based on novel molecular scaffolds identified in various drug screens against Plasmodium liver stages

Role: Co-Investigator

OPP1025364 (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Explorations – Phase I)

Prudêncio (PI)

A New Whole-Organism Vaccine Against Malaria

The goal of this project was to establish the proof-of-concept of a new vaccination strategy against malaria

Role: PI         Press release here.

PTDC-SAU-MIC-117060-2010 (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal)

Prudêncio (PI)                                                                      2012-2015

Utilization of host cell resources by the malaria parasite in the liver

The goal of this project is to elucidate novel mechanisms of nutrient acquisition by Plasmodium liver stages and identify novel anti-malarial targets

Role: PI        Final evaluation report here.

PTDC/SAU-FAR/118459/2010 (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal)

Lopes (PI)                                                                             2012-2015

Towards malaria eradication. A novel approach for multi-targeting the parasite´s life cycle

The goal of this study is to develop new hybrid molecules with dual-stage activity against Plasmodium parasites

Role: Co-Investigator