
Instituto de Medicina Molecular
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
Edf. Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa

Tel: +351 217999513


RoPlaVac is a spin-off of  Instituto de Medicina Molecular, founded in 2014 by Miguel Prudêncio, António Mendes and Maria Mota.

The Mission of RoPlaVac is:
• to establish an internationally recognized new paradigm in malaria vaccination.
• to develop a vaccine against malaria that can simultaneously protect against the two major species of malaria-causing parasites.
• to provide this vaccine at affordable prices to the populations in malaria-endemic regions.
The RoPlaVac Project aims to develop and validate a novel vaccination strategy against malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases.

Events & Awards

2017 – Universal Biotech Innovation Prize, Semi-Finalist and Runner-Up in Biotech Section, September 2017, Paris, France. 

2014 – EVERIS Entrepreneurs Award, Grand Finalist, April 2014, Madrid, Spain. 

2013 – National BES Innovation Contest, 1st Prize for the Health Track and Winner of the Grand Prize, Concurso Nacional de Inovação do Banco Espirito Santo, November 2013, Lisboa, Portugal. Photo 1 here; Photo 2 here

2013 – Building Global Innovators – ISCTE-IUL MIT-Portugal Venture Competition, Honorary Mention Health Track, November 2013, Lisboa, Portugal. Photo here

Events & Awards

RoPlaVac holds the rights to patent Genetically modified rodent Plasmodium parasites as platforms for a whole-organism malaria vaccine. See here for further details and the image on the right for a graphical abstract.

Legal support for patent-related matters by Garrigues.


RoPlaVac is supported by